1) IF
Who would you save first? x16
If you want to understand
The real politics of man
From the Empire to the San
Humanity is ruled by gangs
How many differences
Can you see when you scratch the surface
In the rule of crime & the rule of law
Just see your rulers as a gang, nothing more
And pay your protection to Tax man in return
For token gestures that service the lie
Dont cause no tension or Police man footsoldier
Show who’s defence they really provide
And if you choose, its from the few trustable
To nurture the rule, from whom they’re corruptable
Every Military & institution
Industry & Corporation
Secret society & justice system
Is a self advancing organism
If you want to understand
The emancipation of man
Learn by your oppressors hand
That power lies with the strongest gang
Black market crackdown is market monopoly
Illegality serves its maker
Turf expansion in Foreign policy
There’s no question that violence cannot answer
Like Selfish genes, build a body
Bodies build Fraternities
And the maneouvers of entangled interests
Is how the world is run no less
Every society in every nation
Monarchy & Religion
Democracy & Revolution
Is a self advancing organism
He attracts with a serving hand
Then attacks his prey with no mercy
Emotionless, he’s armed & dangerous
And he’s on the loose in your neighbourhood
He’s a law unto his own
Leaves a trail of wreckage & bones
But masquerade as a tower of tinted windows
Abort his name for the shield of a noble logo
Outsource the blame to someone elses ideology
And we’re willing prey, we’re willing prey
He will stop, stop at nothing
When he’s bled you dry then he’s coming for your children
But masquerade as a tower of tinted windows
Abort his name for the shield of a noble logo
Outsource the blame to someone elses ideology
And we’re willing prey, we’re willing prey
One crime & you are dangerous
But a thousand & its only business
He’s stalking you all the time
He wants to get inside your mind
But masquerade as a tower of tinted windows
Abort his name for the shield of a noble logo
Outsource the blame to someone elses ideology
And we’re willing prey, we’re willing prey
Your world confined to your screens
In a techno-media Aviary
For distraction junkies
To play Celebrity
To be a sham is respectable
And Reason unfair
‘Cos there’s no time to think
When if you blink you’ll be left behind
Trust in the
Lust dealers
Choose your demise
You’re everything
You’re nothing
Generation of me
Your fickle worship of youth
And disposability
Keeps substance & truth
From killing the party
But as our plastic Mandala’s pile
Ever useless, ever higher
This self portrait is all we will leave behind
Trust in the
Lust dealers
Choose your demise
You’re everything
You’re nothing
Generation of me
From the ashes it will rise
As it will do everytime
And as surely it will multiply
‘cos those that seek will always find
Not of body, not of mind
Trancending all space & time
It’s everywhere all the time
Like a virus to a lie
Has no agenda or beliefs
With no allegiances to keep
Has no feelings, has no needs
And can bring an empire to its knees
Can’t be killed or disappeared
Can’t be silenced out of fear
You can’t ignore it, cannot bribe
And it finds the guilty everytime
The most powerful weapon
Only costs a question
There’s nothing its enemies can do
To stop the power of The Truth
Dark age in the endless strobing of fairy lights
Blind faith in the plastic spun idol of the self
Celebrate the mediocre
Survival of the best pretender
Freedom where there once was murder
You just change the words
Make up, fake tan, surgery
All the ways I value me
Steroids, liposuction we are free
Now absolution’s so easy
Faster, louder, younger, more
Cultural shock & awe
We live in the advert of reality
Where the truth has to accept what we believe
Sensory greed & mental poverty
And everyone’s a celebrity
Turn on the TV to look in the mirror
Swallow sugar cube propaganda
Lowest common denominator
With everyone equal
See what you wanna see, hear what you wanna hear
Fear what you wanna fear so…
You can feel what you wanna feel, be what you wanna be
You false little motherfu**er go
You change the packaging then you’ve changed what’s within
But there is nothing inside anything now
Our politics, our values & our sense of self
It’s all surface level marketing now
We live in a fiction, a fiction
We live in a fiction, a fiction
Information gives you power
So the messenger takes it away
“Every second of every hour,
Keeping the pawns in their place”
The editors of reality
Remote controlling humanity
The voice of wealth & power
And the product that they sell is access to you
The best propaganda
Always makes you think you’re free
The public’s biggest enemy
Purchased voluntarily
Don’t read the papers, turn off the Radio
The truth will come to those that seek
Without TV, you are unreachable
I think its time to kill the messenger
Igorance is relative
If you’re ignorant of a lie
Free your spirit & free your mind
Ignore them every single time
They’re the pushers of fear & hate
Of the monsters that they create
They give you glitter & they call it light
But the product that they sell is access to you
They can make you guilty
They can make you innocent
They can change history
‘Cos they write the present
Don’t read the papers, turn off the Radio
The truth will come to those that seek
Without TV, you are unreachable
I think its time to kill the messenger
In this moments silence
As the war is raging
Are we remembering
Or just forgetting something more
As the ones for whom they died
Follow in their footsteps
If they could have seen us now
Would they have turned their aims around instead
Paper flowers for sentiments, as feeble
Anthems short as our memory
Coffins buried with our broken promise
That the lives they gave us were not in vain
‘Cos never again…
In this moments silence
When we should be raging
How many times must we
See the drama before we see the truth
That the heroes for the flag
As martyrs for religion
Are just sacrificial lambs
For another mans prize
Paper flowers for sentiments, as feeble
Anthems short as our memory
Coffins buried with our broken promise
That the lives they gave us were not in vain
‘Cos never again…
You have entrusted me, to serve your family
I treat them as my own
I’ve hired helping hands, the best across the land
To protect your home
Sometimes cruel’s kind
But we know what’s really best, best for you
‘Cos we will take care of everything
While you are busy
If you give an inch away
Then we will take, take…
Now you all accuse me, of lies & robbery
But we caught your brother
If you dont like the way, I run this place today
Then you can find another
‘Cos we will take care of everything
While you are busy
If you give an inch away
Then we will take
You brought me here
And you never checked
And sometimes, cruel’s kind
We know whats really best
‘Cos we will take care of everything
While you are busy
If you give an inch away
Then we will take, take, take, take you.
Welcome to history
Where judgements calling all of us
To see the world we accepted
And if we let the servants hijack the palace
Who can we really blame
Enter humanity
Endlessly exploitable
It’s written in our design
To be decent, to be naive & impressionable
So the broken few always win
Beware a leader, of any kind
We must do it ourselves
We the majority
Are the authority
In natures democracy
If we just set eachother free
Welcome to history
Where we will see the lies of now
But will we not see the patterns
Old enemies with ever changing faces still
Take us around again
We the majority
Are the authority
In natures democracy
If we just set eachother free
Yeah, we’ve got the numbers
Yeah, we’ve got the power
Yeah, we’ve got eachother
It’s only a choice
Not votes will save you, from the system
We must do it ourselves